My Therapy Philosophy & Approach

I believe therapy is a place where the difficult questions can be explored, healing can begin, and integration can be accomplished. Life brings all that is unexpected, confusing and extreme. Our experiences often leave us disintegrated and in need of outside help. My work’s focus is to create a space where individuals can explore the why’s and the questions of their story so that they may live a more flourishing and integrated life.

Whether you are seeking therapy in crisis or curiosity, the pursuit of understanding yourself can be scary. I am passionate about walking alongside people in their journey, confident in the goodness and redemption that is possible. Because I believe we live in a relational world, I believe the therapy relationship between you and me is essential to the healing journey you are on. We will explore the relationships that have formed you, wounded you and created your ways of relating to the world.

Trauma-Informed Narrative Therapy

Part of my offerings is trauma specific therapy work.

Healing from trauma and childhood wounds is a courageous act. My approach to trauma healing is formed by my belief that returning to the places and stories of harm is the avenue for restoration and wholeness. Put simply, to be met in one’s deepest heartache is revolutionary restoration.

Trauma is that which leaves you disintegrated, meaning you are left with parts of yourself abandoned, hidden or covered in shame. Whether acute, or more covert, trauma’s impact is on the body, heart, and mind. Part of the work I do is the slow movement and journey of returning to the parts of yourself that were left behind. I specialize in story work, investigating shame and understanding the ways we operate today in context of our childhood wounds. No one goes through this life having escaped harm or pain. This work is for everyone.